
You’re ready to try therapy, but…

Maybe you’re unsure how you could fit one more thing into your already Tetris-like schedule. After all, there are only so many hours in a day – rushing from one thing to another doesn’t leave you with a lot of space on your schedule.

Maybe you’re concerned about your health or the health of others close to you and staying at home is the right thing to do for your safety.

Maybe your mental image of therapy is you lying on a couch in the same room as a therapist wearing glasses and a three-piece suit, so the idea of meeting virtually is something you can’t quite wrap your brain around.

Teletherapy is effective and allows us to be creative in how we work in therapy. I can work with individuals, couples, and groups through teletherapy and find that many therapies can function in an online or virtual setting.

So, whether you’re learning how to manage stress, developing healthy coping skills, dealing with anxiety and/or depression symptoms, and/or experiencing relationship issues, teletherapy can be a fit for almost anyone looking for emotional support.

Teletherapy is the solution.

Teletherapy, also called online therapy or e-therapy, is just like in-person therapy, but we use the Internet, the phone, or other digital media to connect. No matter where you are, we can connect and conduct therapy sessions using a secure, HIPAA-compliant virtual platform (which means that your information is protected in an online world).

There are some tools you will need to take part in therapy, but this list can also be super flexible! You can use your laptop and a webcam or just your smartphone with video capability built-in (and maybe something to hold it, so it’s hands-free for you).

It’s best to have high-speed Wi-Fi, but good 4G or 5G data also works well. We can even communicate over a simple phone conversation, which you could choose to make hands-free using either wired or wireless headphones with a built-in microphone.

To ensure our sessions remain confidential, you will also want to be sure that you can be in a private space away from others, which might be a room in your house with a door, your private office, or even your car (not while actually driving, please)!

I wouldn’t offer teletherapy unless I knew it worked.

Teletherapy is just as effective as in-person therapy. Because we are connected in real-time, we can still have the same opportunities for building a relationship that we would if we were also in the same physical space.

Some of the differences between in-person and teletherapy can actually contribute to teletherapy being more effective for certain individuals. It’s easier for some people to talk about tough, emotional things while also physically moving around or doing something with their hands. Others open up more and realize their thoughts are clearer without constant eye contact pressure and intensity. Still, others have so much they have to get done every day that taking space for a traditional in-person therapy session is just not realistic and is simply more stressful.

Utilizing teletherapy can be an opportunity to get several other things done while also talking to your therapist; things like…

…walking your dog around the block…
…packing your kids’ lunches…
…folding laundry…
…watering your flowerbeds…
…taking a stroll through your neighborhood park…

Let’s talk about all the conveniences you’ll get with teletherapy…

Flexibility in session location…

You can remain at home while your kids are completing their online schoolwork. Or, we can connect while you are in a private space in your office, trying to fit your therapy into your quick lunch break. If you’re on vacation, on a business trip, or staying with a family member, you can still attend your therapy session. Maybe you know that walk-and-talk therapy feels good to you – with teletherapy, you can take a walk where you feel safe with me on the phone, right there with you.

Additionally, suppose you and your spouse are separated and living in two different locations. In that case, we can still conduct discernment counseling sessions virtually, without either of you having to be in the same physical space.

No travel time to and from session…

Removing travel time can cut out anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour that it might take you to get to and from my office for an in-person session. If you have a consistently tight schedule, getting back that time can be a win!

Parking challenges are eliminated if you either have difficulty finding parking at my office or back at your office when you return to work.

Flexibility in appointment time…

With in-person sessions, my office adheres to specific cleaning procedures to keep everyone safe. These procedures require scheduling limitations (like reducing the number of individuals using the office at any time and increasing the time between sessions to allow for surface wipe-downs). This means I have limited in-person session availability each week and can only be flexible with dates and times.

Because I’m not traveling for teletherapy sessions either, I can often accommodate outside-of-normal session dates and times. This includes early mornings (before you head off for the rest of your day), mid-day (when all you have is your lunch hour or right before you pick up your kids from school), evenings (after you get off work), and even some weekends (when available).

Access to a therapist from afar…

Sometimes I have family or work obligations that take me out of town. I am also a fan of being able to travel when I can!

Teletherapy gives you access to me even when I am out of my physical office. It can be incredibly beneficial for you and me because we can keep working on your goals, regardless of our distance.


If you are sick, have a compromised immune system, or are concerned about a close loved one, teletherapy allows you to attend your therapy sessions while controlling your environment and reducing any illness exposure risk.

Reduced rates (I saved the best for last!)…

Because teletherapy sessions are more convenient and affordable for me (I’m down for less traveling and less cleaning!), I want to pass that benefit along and make it more affordable for you. I offer reduced rates for teletherapy sessions compared to in-person sessions because I know that sometimes a barrier to people seeking therapy is that they can’t afford it. By reducing my rate and you being able to eliminate some costs associated with travel or time off work, teletherapy can be a great option to ensure that you have access to effective and affordable therapy.

Don’t let barriers like distance and time stand in the way…

… of getting the help and support you need.

I know you might still think that teletherapy sounds more challenging than in-person therapy, or maybe it sounds like some newfangled idea that millennials have. You might have a tough time imagining how you could connect with someone therapeutically using your phone or computer. You might think it would be impossible for you to find the privacy you need to feel comfortable and safe during a teletherapy session.

These are all legitimate concerns and worries. I want to talk about them with you. I want to invite you to notice your beliefs and consider whether they are limiting you and standing in the way of you achieving the changes that you ultimately want.

You know it’s time to make a change. Online counseling is safe, effective, affordable, and highly flexible. Are you ready to step outside of your comfort zone to explore what might be right for you? Let’s find out together if teletherapy makes the most sense for your life.

Call me for a free 20-minute phone consultation, so we can discuss if teletherapy is right for you: (830) 215-8923.